Taiwan Celebrates 113th National Day in the Republic of Somaliland

Taiwan Celebrates 113th National Day in the Republic of Somaliland

Press release by Taiwan Representative office in Somaliland

Taiwan’s representative in Somaliland celebrating the 113th National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Hargeisa. Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Essa Kayd Mohamoud, Minister of Agricultural Development Ahmed M. Habane, and Minister of Telecommunication and Technology Ahmed Yousuf Idiris along with government officials, MPs, members from the business sector, academia, international partners, and the media attended the occasion.

Speaking at the event of the ROC (Taiwan)’s 113th National Day Celebration, Taiwan’s Ambassador to Somaliland Allen Chenhwa Lou said that Taiwan held a fair and successful election in January 2024 to elect Mr. Lai Ching-te as the 16th President. Amb. Lou quoted President Lai’s inaugural address that “Democracy, peace, and prosperity form Taiwan’s national roadmap. And they are also our links to the world. As an important link in the global chain of democracies, a glorious era of Taiwan’s democracy has arrived”.

Ambassador Lou stressed that we believe that “Democracy is our common language, and freedom is our common objective”. Democracy and Freedom constitute the fundamental and common values that connect Taiwan to the international community.

There is already a strong international consensus, that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are indispensable to global security and prosperity. To adapt to today’s complicated international landscape, countries around the world have been actively cooperating to maintain regional peace and stability. We thank nations around the world for their support for Taiwan.

Ambassador Lou mentioned that strengthening global democratic resilience has become a common concern of the international community, because Democracy is always earned, never given. In striving to be a strong partner in the democratic camp, Taiwan will draw on its experiences and advantages to expand cooperation with like-minded countries. In January 2024, NEC Chairman and Commissioners were invited for observing Taiwan’s Presidential and Parliamentary Election. In May 2024, Somaliland high-ranking delegation was invited to attend President Lai Ching-te’s inauguration ceremony. In September 2024, Taiwan Committed $2 Million to support Somaliland’s 2024 Presidential and Party Elections. These supports showed Taiwan’s democratic empowerment for Somaliland.

Ambassador Lou reminded the audience that Taiwan ranks 8th in economic competitiveness in 2024 according to International Institute for Management Development (IMD). To leverage Taiwan’s competitive advantages and seize opportunities presented by global industrial supply chain restructuring, Taiwan continues build up as international hub for smart technology. Therefore, the cooperation between Taiwan and Somaliland extends far beyond democratization support, encompassing prioritized areas such as healthcare, education, agriculture, ICT, security, oil drilling, critical minerals exploration, fishery and humanitarian assistance, etc.

In terms of healthcare, the Health Information System (HIS) and Emergency Response Improvement are implemented by Taiwan Technical Mission. And Taiwan Medical Mission stations at Hargeisa Group Hospital to offer expertise in public health, disease prevention and healthcare management.

In the field of agricultural development, Taiwan has partnered with Somaliland on project aimed at improving food security and increasing agricultural productivity. These initiatives include technical training for farmers and introduction of modern farming techniques.

As for educational assistance, Taiwan offers scholarships to Somaliland students, enabling them to pursue higher education in fields such as engineering, science, information technology, healthcare administration, tropical agriculture, etc. This program equips young Somalilanders with skills crucial for their country’s development. 32 Taiwan Scholarship recipients including Military Education Scholarship are offered in 2024. Altogether there are about 120 Taiwan Scholarship recipients studying in Taiwan.

Last but not least, there is the ICT support. Aside from the electoral biometric system, Taiwan has been involved in strengthening Somaliland’s IT infrastructure. This includes the development of e-governance systems, cybersecurity, Somaliland Innovation Zone and data center, aimed at enhancing the government digital efficiency.

On top of existent projects and cooperation, Taiwan announced the sponsorship of Taiwan Road’s Phase 1 construction with 1.85 million USD or 70% of the total cost in September 2024. This project exemplifies how the trilateral cooperation between central government, the Hargeisa Municipality and Taiwan and partnership can achieve, embodying the core value of the people-centered Taiwan model.

Ambassador stated that “during challenging time, you see who your friends are.” Taiwan shares its best, and what it is good at. Taiwan have always tried to help our friends within our capacity. Democratic Taiwan is an indispensable force for good in ensuring regional and global peace and prosperity. In the context of global competition between democracy and autocracy, Taiwan will cooperate closely with the democratic community to staunchly defend the universal values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Taiwan is an island of democracy, an island of high technology, and a global nation. We will build links with the world through our warm power and resilience, and cooperate with Somaliland and other like-minded partners in Africa for a better future.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Somaliland, Minister H.E. Dr. Essa Kayd Mohamoud expressed the warmest congratulations to the government and people of Taiwan on Taiwan’s 113th National Day. He further elaborated that we are not only here today to celebrate Taiwan’s remarkable achievement as a resilient and democratic nation, but also the strong and growing friendship between Taiwan and Somaliland, founded on mutual respect, shared values, and a commitment to progress. The cooperation has blossomed into a true partnership, which stands as a testament of what two like-minded nations can achieve when they unite around a common vision of peace, rule of law, freedoms of expression, prosperity and democracy.

The government of Taiwan has been a steadfast friend and partner to Somaliland, providing a wide array of sectors from ICT, education, to agriculture and security. Taiwan’s contributions are helping to drive progress in key areas vital to national development. Most notably, Taiwan’s ongoing support for Somaliland’s healthcare system has significantly impacted the lives of citizens, underscoring the depth of our partnership.

The celebration serves as a reminder of the shared values and democratic principles that bind our two nations, Taiwan’s commitment to democracy, freedom and human rights is an inspiration to the world, and it mirrors the values that Somaliland holds dear. May the friendship between Somaliland and Taiwan continue to flourish for years to come.

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