Ethiopia sends Ambassador to Somaliland, President Muse Bihi accepted credential 

Ethiopia sends Ambassador to Somaliland, President Muse Bihi accepted credential 
Ethiopia sends Ambassador to Somaliland, President Muse Bihi accepted credential 

By: Horndiplomat staff writer

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi officially welcomed the new Ethiopian Ambassador, Teshome Shunde Hamito, who presented his credentials in a formal ceremony.

According to the Somaliland presidency, discussions between the two leaders centered on regional security, economic cooperation, and the strengthening of ties between the two nations.

Ethiopia’s official appointment of Ambassador Teshome Shunde Hamito to Somaliland comes just a day after Egypt delivered its first military aid to Somalia in over four decades. The timing of these diplomatic moves highlights the evolving dynamics in the Horn of Africa region.

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland, Ambassador Rooda J. Ilmi, also welcomed the new ambassador and emphasized that this appointment reinforces the commitment to cooperation and mutual respect between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

“Today, the newly appointed Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ambassador Teshome Shunde Hamito, presented his letters of credence to the President of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi. This formal ceremony marks a significant step in furthering the diplomatic ties between Somaliland and Ethiopia, reinforcing both our commitments to cooperation and mutual respect,” said Ambassador Rooda.

She added, “We warmly welcome Ambassador Teshome Shunde to Somaliland. His appointment comes at a pivotal time when the strong bilateral relations between our two sisterly nations continue to grow. We are confident that his tenure will enhance collaboration in areas of shared interest, fostering greater peace, development, and prosperity for both our peoples.

Ambassador Teshome Shunde Hamito is one of 10 diplomats appointed by Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde in May.


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