By Moduale
The Minister of Water Development Ali Hassan Mohamed (Ali Marrehaan), inaugurated five water wells in the Kala-jab area of the Sahel region, three dams in eastern Borame, and the rope of a large and modern dam in the WADDO MAKAHIIL area of Moorodi-jeh region that are meant to increase the water supply in Somaliland.
The minister likewise pointed out the fact that water supply efforts are indeed going on both intensively and extensively all over the country.
He said, “It is not only the five wells, but up to 35 km of pipes, the five wells and their equipment will be connected to the expansion of water in the city of Berbera, and it is intended for the western part of the city, the airport and the nearby areas”.

He continued, “Berbera is an arterial city, it is a hot city, it is a city that needs a lot of water, not only people but a lot of animals leave there, many ships arrive, new buildings are being built, so it always needs water. In the country in general, a lot of water projects are presently going on”.
The water expansion project in Barwako village in Berbera is a collaboration between the Ministry of Water Development, the local council of Berbera district, and Sheikh Nayal Rashid Seyf, an Egyptian who donated to the project.
The Minister of Water also inaugurated a modern dam in the WADDO MAKAHIIL area of the Moorodijeh region a collaboration between the Ministry of Water Development and the Pharo Foundation.
Minister Ali pointed out that these projects are a milestone achievement for his ministry and a demonstration of its commitment to providing a safe and reliable water supply to all Somalilanders.
The Ministry of Water has completed around 15 wells and 8 dams across Somaliland in recent months