Somaliland parliament elects Abdirisak khalif as new speaker


By: MoDuale

Somaliland members of parliament on Tuesday elected the new speaker and deputy speaker of parliament for a five-year term of office.

Abdirisak Khalif Ahmed from Oppposition coalition won in the first round of voting with 41 votes, beating ruling party competitor Yasin Haji Mohamoud hiir aka “Faratoon” with 39 votes, according to the Chairman of Supreme court who announced the results of the balloting.

Somaliland parliament also elected the first Deputy Speaker Sa’eed Mire Farah giire , and second deputy speaker Ali hamud jibril .

Somaliland Two opposition parties have won a majority of seats in Somalilandโ€™s first parliamentary election in 16 years.

Out of parliamentโ€™s 82 seats, the Somaliland National Party, called Waddani, won 31 and the Justice and Welfare Party (UCID), won 21 seats. The ruling Peace, Unity and Development Party, Kulmiye, secured 30 seats.

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