By: Horn Staff writer
Hargeisa’s New mayor Abdikarim Ahmed mooge on Thursday launched a special operation aimed at cleaning the city. Thousands of people including religious leaders, Political parties, youth groups and companies took part in the campaign.
The Mayor of Hargeisa said that this is not the first operation but pledged to continue such cleaning exercises.
On June 17, Hargeisa‘ local council elected activist Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge as the new mayor of the capital city. Council members voted for him uncontested. Mooge made the record in the recent elections after he won 26k votes the highest votes in the history of Somaliland‘s local elections.
This makes me emotional. ❤
Real leadership
Hundreds of citizens of hargeysa, including companies amongst them @somtel cameout today for the Hargeysa Mayor, Abdikariim A Mooge's campaign to clean up the valley of Hargeysa. #Somaliland— Ayan Mahamoud MBE (@Gobannimo) July 8, 2021