By: Staff writer Saraar regional court thursday sentenced Ali Sulieman Karshe death penalty for raping and murdering Hodan Said Jama. Hodan Said she was the age of 18 and she was with her sheep in the rural area of saraar region when the man raped and murdered her. In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of such cases across Somaliland. On November 22, Togdheer regional court, in Burco second capital of Somaliland, sentenced Sakariye Abdi Yusuf to death for the rape and killing of Ugbad Ali. Residents of Buroa took to the streets to protest the raping and killing of Ugbaad. Angry women staged protests in the city while demanding justice for the deceased. This is a developing story, Please check back at the Horndiplomat for Updates. © Horn Diplomat 2020