The number of wild camels in Australia has increased in recent years.
By: Hassan jama, Horndiplomat Contributor
Somaliland Association of Camel Herders condemned the decision of Australia to kill thousands of camels. Horndiplomat reports
The Camel Herders Association of Somaliland has expressed concern about the camel slaughtering the Australian government, calling on all Somali leaders and communities to work together to save camels.
They also believe that after the British colonised in Somaliland in the 19th Century, they seized herds of camels and sent them to Australia, which was also a British colony at the time.
“The Association of Camel Owners believe that camels is originally from the Somali Territories, we call the Australian government to restore the camels to Somali territories.” said a statement by the Somaliland Association of Camel Owners
The Association added
“The organization is also calling on the various Somali leaders, academics, the media and every Somali person whose voice can be heard expressing their feelings for that action.” said a statement by The Somaliland Association of Camel Owners
According to CNN, About 10,000 camels are at risk of being shot and killed in a drought-ravaged region of Australia, after complaints that the thirsty animals are endangered locals as they desperately search for water.
Aboriginal officials in the remote northwest of South Australia approved the cull, which is due to begin on Wednesday and is expected to last for five days.
The area’s local government, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY), said in a memo posted on Facebook that “extremely large groups of camels and other feral animals in and around communities” are “putting pressure on the remote Aboriginal communities” as they search for water.
“With the current ongoing dry conditions the large camel congregations threatening the APY communities and infrastructure, camel control is needed,” the note added.
The cull will see professional shooters kill thousands of the creatures, with CNN affiliate Seven News reporting that 10,000 are at risk.
Like most of the country, South Australia has been sweltering under extremely high temperatures for weeks.
Though not as badly hit as neighbouring New South Wales, the state has suffered from the bushfires tearing through the country, blanketing cities in smoke and decimating native wildlife populations.
Marita Baker, an APY board member, told The Australian newspaper that her community had been inundated by the creatures as they hunt for water.
“We have been stuck in stinking hot and uncomfortable conditions, feeling unwell, because the camels are coming in and knocking down fences, getting in around the houses and trying to get to water through air conditioners,” she told the newspaper.
The APY region is in an extremely remote area of South Australia and is sparsely populated. Only about 2,300 people live in the region, which is roughly the size of the US state of Kentucky.
There are believed to be more than 1 million camels in Australia and the country’s camel population is growing rapidly.
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