Press release: New horizon for Protecting Press freedom and ending Impunities against Journalism in Somaliland through multi-stakeholder approach - Horn Diplomat
Hargiesa: Today 18/4/2019, Somaliland journalist Association-SOLJA held ceremony for announcement of Somaliland national mechanisms for safety of journalists committee at Ambassador Hotel attended officials from government represented by Director General of Ministry of Information-Mukhtar Mohamed Ali, independent & public media representatives as well as members from Civil society organizations. Firstly, Yahye Mohamed, SOLJA Executive Director highlighted the process of establishment of a national committee that will assist SOLJA to withstand improving journalism environment and emphasized as the media freedom is facing harsh threats and intolerances from government.
Recently, there are considerable violations & illegal detentions faced by both media practitioners and media houses across Somaliland. Hence, National Mechanism for Safety of Journalists is an effective and well-coordinated multi-stakeholder framework, which brings together all the safety of journalists’ media stakeholders to create a joint efforts preventing violence against journalism in Somaliland in line with UN plan of Action that SOLJA partnered with UNESCO for implementation.
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In addition, the Somaliland Journalists Association Chairman Mohamud Abdi Jama have underlined SOLJA past accomplishments in areas of journalists protection through legal aid provisions, uplifting their capacity through interacting trainings and free university programs. He also summarized the media cases SOLJA recorded which is about 16 media practitioner detentions in 2019 and mentioned SOLJA have resolved all of them including the last 3 journalists freed yesterday from Gebiley prison after we paid their fines charged. Most importantly, SOLJA chairman announced the 7 member’s of national mechanism for safety of journalism committee in Somaliland which are: Yahye Mohamed-SOLJA Executive Director (Focal point), Mukhtar Mohamed Ali-DG for Ministry of information, Ayan Abdirizak from Women in Journalism Association, Lawyer Mubarak Abdi from Human right Center, Abdirahman Mohamed from Somaliland non-state actors Forum and Journalist Khaalid Abdi Ismail.
Finally, the Director General for Ministry of information Mukhtar Mohamed Ali who will be the government focal point regarding the national safety mechanism committee have welcomed this new more inclusive approach and promised he will work with the independent media.