Horndiplomat- EU organized a Job creation and investment Plan Held in ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa. The discussions centred on challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises, access to finance and opportunities for youth and women in Somaliland.
On this occasion, Head of Resilience, Productive Sectors and Infrastructure, Hjordis Ogendo, said “The European Union to inform you on what we are doing and our thinking on how to contribute to your effort to developing Somaliland and how to achieve your objectives when it comes to creating jobs and to achieve inclusive and sustainable development and ultimately to meet the SDGs.”
Hjordis Ogendo also added
“The European Union that can play a role of facilitating this dialogue. A dialogue that very much should, of course, be identified by you and aiming at creating a better environment for companies – micro, small and medium-sized, both for new companies to be created and that can grow. With a strong focus on women and young people.”
The programme supports the country’s national development framework, which focuses on jobs as a means to create prosperity and opportunity for all, contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Dr Abdirahim Osman Haji Abdi (Shibbiin), Somaliland Minister of National Planning
“Somaliland National Development Plan to prioritizes job creation and investment.”Said Dr Abdirahim Osman Haji Abdi (Shibbiin), Minister of National Planning
Meanwhile, Somaliland Minister of Water and Natural Resources Saleban Ali Koore acknowledges the EU job creation and investment role in Somaliland.
‘As the Somaliland government, we are very happy to see institutions like the EU helping create opportunities of job creation and investment for youth and women in Somaliland.’ said Mr Saleban Ali Koore, Minister of Water and Natural Resources
The programme focuses on the areas of the business climate, public financial governance and employment. The main objectives of the programme are to promote domestic and foreign private investment, enable businesses to spearhead economic transformation and create employment, strengthen public financial governance and boost domestic revenue mobilisation as well as to fight against corruption.