Horndiplomat-commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), Dr. Belachew Mekuria has resigned.
Dr Belachew told Addis Standard Says his leaving for a family reason.
“I am leaving the Commission for a family reason who I wasn’t able to be with due to my work and who do require my full attention and presence that the responsibility I have had made it impossible. However, I am still hopeful that something will happen that will soon bring me back” Said Dr Belachew
Dr Belachew also added
“We have started a very strategic conversation in strengthening the industry called Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) that we believe Ethiopia has a comparative advantage to leverage and attract investments to the ICT Park. “Said Belachew
“Collaborative culture is lacking and so also is an understanding on the virtues of working in sync. When you look at investment attraction and aftercare, it involves multiple institutions who are as effective as their weakest link,”Said
Dr Belachew served as Commissioner for four and half months, replacing Fitsum Arega, current chief of staff at the Prime Minister’s Office.