Somaliland and the United Arab Emirates have engaged in a joint effort to help camel farmers improve the quality and quantity of camel milk for the local and export market. Somaliland President Musa Bihi joined a delegation from the UAE in organizing a competition which will see the camel owners…
By: Hassan jama, Horndiplomat Contributor Somaliland Association of Camel Herders condemned the decision of Australia to kill thousands of camels. Horndiplomat reports The Camel Herders Association of Somaliland has expressed concern about the camel slaughtering the Australian government, calling on all Somali leaders and communities to work together to save camels. They also believe that…
LAS-ANOD, SOMALILAND — Authorities in the breakaway republic of Somaliland say at least 80 percent of the region's livestock have died due to the crippling drought that has also killed dozens of people and forced thousands into displaced persons camps. “The situation is very grave as most of the livestock…