By: M.A. Egge
Horndiplomat-The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has reiterated that the security and peaceful stability maintenance in the country was a paramount factor that the nation would always be focused on.
He also revealed that the government would in due course avail a comprehensive plan to address and curb the escalating inflation problem that have plummeted the purchasing power of the people and seriously affected the national economy.

Speaking in his first major local press conference since taking over the reins of the country’s leadership, the Head of State re-affirmed his personal conviction to uphold the constitution and deliver services as per the onerous task bestowed upon his ordinance.
He pointed out that the borders and frontiers of the country were sacrosanct and that their integrity would be guarded closely at all times.
While reiterating this he warned against the incursions perpetrated in the country by the neighboring southern Somalia state terming it a losing cause.
The President also highlighted on the need to unite the members of the public and not to render them asunder through loose talks. He revealed that in due course, within a couple of days or three, the government will avail a comprehensive plan to seriously fight against inflation and curb its negative effect which has adversely affected the country.

He reminded the nation that he has now been in office for slightly over a month (precisely a month and a week since he was sworn in) hence told the members of the press who converged at the Presidency for the briefing that the general status of the peaceful stability and security in the country was quite sound and up-to-date.
The President noted that the task of indulging into politics was officially the reserve of the political party organizations to which they have been bestowed, namely KULMIYE, WADANI and UCID.

Saying that as President he would work with the opposition parties per cue as deemed, he said that his political party’s working relations with UCID was good and that he looked forward to having further talks with WADANI after initially having had consultations with them hence chart forward better working relations as per constitution.
He noted that he naturally accepted positive criticisms for the sake of healthy good governance.
The Head of State lamented that eminent personalities washed dirty linen in public (media) hence cautioned leaders to desist from voicing unpalatable and provocative languages that tend to polarize the people by dividing and rendering them asunder.
He stated that contemporary, clerical and traditional leaders were all indebted to the task of uniting the people and must avoid anything to the contrary.
Talking of Somalia the President said that the Mogadishu government was not sincere in as far as the SL-Somalia Talks was initiated six years ago. He said that SL was ready to continue the talks on sincere note.
He warned that the country’s borders fell along the stipulated colonial lines drawn and as such cannot be infringed upon at any cost.

The President was convictional that the country would defend its borders at all times as expected. He said that the International Community has already been told clearly that this country has not crossed her frontiers at any one time whatsoever.
Somalia had ironically cried foul when SL troops reached Tukaraq in Sool, a tarading centre that is 70km deep inside Somaliland territory.
He also warned that the act of Somalia amassing troops along the border was always in vain since SL was guarding its territorial integrity closely.
He Head of State revealed that plans afoot was under way to announce a comprehensive plan to curb inflation.
Saying that the menace has negatively affected the country leaving serious impact, he pointed out that the addressing of the issue would be best through concerted efforts from all quarters.
Lamenting that the chat industry alone galloped a whopping 500 million dollars annually in capital flight, reducing its use was incumbent upon all patriots.
The President said that SL was ready to continue with the SL-Somalia talks especially with foreign countries indulge as observing witnesses.
Saying that SL was toeing its lines, he warned that neither country can afford further losses since they were both growing up from rains of ashes.

The President who was having the press conference had just arrived after a three day working trip in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, his second trip as Head of State.
This time round, both trips of the President was treated to high reception, by the countries he visited, portraying a distinct deviation from the past.
For instance the President held a joint press conference with his Ethiopian Counterpart Premier Deselegn Haile Mariam, something net witnessed before.
This higher profile may be an iota of light that is in store for SL’s future foreign relations.
A horde of journalists witnessed his arrival in Addis hence he has so far been exclusively interviewed by the giant Chinese state owned CGTN and the Ethiopian Herald.
Watch Below President Speech
Watch Below Media Question to the President