Somaliland:SCISEF Press Release on distribution of voting cards On July 11th 2017

Representatives from Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) convened half-day meeting at the Office of Somaliland Non State Actors Forum (SONSAF) in Hargeisa

Horndiplomat-The Somaliland’s Civil Society Election forum Released Press Statement on distribution of voting cards On July 11th 2017.Horndiplomat Reports


SCISEF Press  Statement 

the Representatives from Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) convened half-day meeting at the Office of Somaliland Non State Actors Forum (SONSAF) in Hargeisa. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the voter cards distribution process. The participants of the forum representing 86 CSOs from all regions of Somaliland, had discussions on the voter cards distribution process.

The meeting evaluated the political parties’ actions in the voter cards distribution process. Prior to the meeting, SCISEF also met with the Officials of UCID Political Party for hearing and witnessing the complaints of UCID party against KULMIYE and WADDANI, which UCID party announced on the media on 10/70/2017 and submitted written complains to the National Electoral Commission (NEC) on July 09/2017.

In addition to that, the local observers deployed in Marodi-jeex and Togdheer regions have noted and witnessed several infringements on the Code of Conduct of the political parties dated 23rd April 2017 by KULMIYE and WADDANI during the process of voter cards distribution, in particular they breached Articles of 3, 6 and 7’s paragraphs of 13 and 14 of the Code that prohibited any public rally and slogans of the political parties during this process of the voter cards distribution.

Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) is condemning the act of breaching the Code of Conduct by the two Political Parties of KULMIYE and WADDANI in the process of voter cards distribution. SCISEF is calling for KULMIYE and WADDANI political parties to stop immediately all forms of breaches against the Code of Conduct such as raising parties’ flags and mobilizing public gatherings and guarantee non-repetition of such actions. Finally, the Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) recommends to all national political parties to respect and uphold existing election legal framework, regulations and codes and avoid any act contrary to the process of voter distribution cards.

By:Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF)


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