Somaliland:President Silanyo Appoints Dr. Edna Special Envoy on Somaliland-Somalia Talks

Dr. Edna Adan Ismail photo by Edna Adan Foundation


Horndiplomat-H.E the president of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo”, appointed Dr Edna Adan Ismail, one-time First Lady of Somaliland, Foreign Minister, and the founder/Director of Edna Adan University Hospital his special envoy on the faltering Somalia-Somaliland.

Dr. Edna, a revered and most prominent figure in Somaliland politics and a dedicated proponent on critical health-related issues such as the inadvisability of girls’ FGM and early marriages, is expected to jump-start the diplomatic, international relations aspect of the talks in order to engage the UN and other international actors on the sputtering, often fruitless dialogue between the two Somali erstwhile partners.

The Presidential decree appointing Edna to this new, pivotal position points out that the President has taken into consideration – among other equally critical factors – Dr. Edna’s long-standing relations with the international community and especially with the United Nations, and her ability to positively engage them on the talks – and she would, definitely, deliver just that with laurels.

Expectedly, Somalilanders most cordially welcomed the appointment where Somalia elements did not lose a moment to condemn it sensing a worthy adversary in the outspoken, indefatigable ‘Iron Lady’ of Somaliland.

Below is a sample of Tweets.


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