London – South Sudan’s consulate was forcibly closed on Friday after the premise owner called the police last week over a dispute on rental arrears of more than 4 months.
The male owner of the premise (whose name is withheld here as the case is going to London courts) called the police in the earlier hours of Monday. when the police rushed to the scene, they have found the tenant arguing with the staff of the embassy. The Police then advised them to meet in court to settle the dispute. Yesterday (Friday), the court ordered the closure of the embassy and instructed the ambassador and staff to pay the rent arrears by the end of the month or risk further damage costs.
Appeals by the ambassador of South Sudan to the UK, Mr. Sabit A. Alley to the court were deemed ineffective by a presiding judge as “they lack time frame of when the bill can be paid”
The closure of the embassy of South Sudan adds to the growing list of embassies around the world who are either behind in rental payments or moved to more affordable premises to avoid closure.
Back home, most civil servants go up to 3 months without being paid as the salaries are diverted to buying weapons for the ongoing civil war.