Horndiplomat-The National Electoral Commission (NEC) had made the long awaited announcement of the official result of the Presidential that took place in the Republic of Somaliland on the 13th of November. The announced President and Vice President Elect are Kulmiye’s candidates Muse Behi Abdi and Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail (Zeylici).
The announcement should have happened within a week from the Election day but several days delay had occurred due to an alleged Election misconduct and irregularities in several voting districts according the opposition Waddani Party. A lot effort has been made, including which was a recount of the disputed districts by Waddani, to persuade the Waddani Party but the opposition presidential candidate C/raxmaan C/laahi (Cirro) spoke last night and said that his party is still unconvinced.
On the other hand, the other opposition candidate from Ucid Party Faysal Cali Waraabe spoke yesterday and said that the election had happened in free and fair manner. He also told that in the recounts made no error has been found. He went further to blame Waddani Party over the several deaths in the riots made by their supporters.
Free and Fair Election
The International observers said the election had been largely free and fair despite some key concerns but these do not seem to be substantive and systematic enough to have undermined the election itself.
“On election day, we are pleased to have observed a poll that in the main seems to have preserved the integrity of the electoral process. While we are aware of some key concerns, these do not seem to be substantive and systematic enough to have undermined the election itself, and we congratulate Somaliland on a largely peaceful process; another progressive step in their electoral evolution.” Says chief observer Dr Michael Walls of the Development Planning Unit (DPU) at University College London (UCL) and Somaliland Focus UK.

“The election was free and fair as witnessed by the international observers and this is a step that will lead to the recognition of the country.” Abdiqadir Iman Chairman of National Electoral Commission
The Elect-President
The Elect-President Muse Bihi Abdi Former military commander before the civil war and a veteran of the Somali National Movement and somebody who is clearly held with high esteem, he has won the majority of votes in the elections.

“The President-Elect is a former Veteran of Somali National Movement and full experienced for the Local system of Somaliland.’’ David Woodside regional security and political Analyzer
“New Elect President, he is a patriot, and a well-qualified public servant. In the early seventies, he graduated (top 5% of his class) from an aviation academy in Russia as a navigator for the Sukhoi bomber aircraft. He went for further military leadership training in United States. He started in the Somali Air Force as Lieutenant and left the service as Colonel to join Somali National Movement, a rebel group, fighting against the oppressive Somali military regime.’ Ali Mohamed Founder and Editor Guban Media
Iris Recognition technology
Somaliland was the guinea pig for iris-recognition technology at a presidential poll, according to election spokesman Saed Ali Muse.

This Democratic nation is East Africa became the first in the world to use the scanners, which is the world’s most sophisticated voting register.
Somaliland’s implementation of iris recognition devices follow incidents involving duplication of voters and other alleged fraud and logistic problems dating back to the 2010 elections.
Eligible Votes
There were 700,000 People were expected to vote of 4 million people, and 555,142 valid votes were cast. UCID: 23,141 — 4.17% , KULMIYE: 305.909 — 55.19% , WADDANI: 226,092 — 40.73%.
The supreme court must endorse the results within 15 days and the incumbent president hand over within 30 days.
Despite its relative stability and the establishment of democratic institutions, Somaliland has yet to be recognised internationally but hopes again smooth transition of power will help its international image.
Written By Mohamed Duale Editor-in-Chief of Horndiplomat tweets @MohamadDuale , Khadar Mariano Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Horndiplomat @APuntite .